Importing Data: Difference between revisions

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:[[opusreadr]] - Read Bruker OPUS files.
:[[opusreadr]] - Read Bruker OPUS files.
:[[parsexml]] - Convert XML file to a MATLAB structure.
:[[parsexml]] - Convert XML file to a MATLAB structure.
:[[pdf2text]] - Read PDF document into a string array.
:[[pltreadr]] - Imports a Vision AIr .PLT model file as an EVRI model object.
:[[pltreadr]] - Imports a Vision AIr .PLT model file as an EVRI model object.
:[[querydb]] - Executes a query on a database defined by connection string.
:[[querydb]] - Executes a query on a database defined by connection string.

Revision as of 10:35, 3 April 2024

In addition to the Matlab functions to read various file types, PLS_Toolbox provides various functions for reading common data formats into DataSet Objects. Also see the DataSet Editor.

High-Level File and Source Readers

areadr - Reads ascii data and strips header.
autoimport - Automatically reads specified file. Handles all standard filetypes.
asdreadr - Imports data from Analytical Spectral Devices (ASD) Indico (Versions 6 and 7) data files.
asfreadr - Reads AIT ASF files.
brukerxrpdreadr - Reads Bruker XRPD RAW files into a DataSet object.
cytospecreadr - Reads CytoSpec .cyt files into a Dataset object.
envireadr - Reads ENVI image files.
experimentreadr - Read an Experiment file and import corresponding files.
getpidata - Uses the current PI connection to construct a DSO from 'taglist'.
hitachieemreadr - Reads Hitachi EEM files with Rayleigh removal.
hjyreadr - Reads HORIBA Jobin Yvon files.
hrmethodreadr - Converts HoloReact method into preprocessing structure.
jcampreadr - Reads a JCAMP file into a DataSet object.
mtfreadr - Read AdventaCT Multi-Trace Format (MTF) files.
netcdfreadr - Reads in netCDF files and outputs a DataSet and or structure.
omnicreadr - Reads OMNICix HDF5 image files.
opusreadr - Read Bruker OPUS files.
parsexml - Convert XML file to a MATLAB structure.
pdf2text - Read PDF document into a string array.
pltreadr - Imports a Vision AIr .PLT model file as an EVRI model object.
querydb - Executes a query on a database defined by connection string.
pereadr - Read PerkinElmer files.
rdareadr - Read Siemens RDA files.
shimadzueemreadr - Reads Shimadzu EEM Files (TXT).
spcreadr - Reads a Galactic SPC file.
spereadr - Reads a Princeton Instruments SPE file.
snabsreadr - Reads Stellarnet ABS XY files.
spgreadr - Reads Thermo Fischer SPG files.
visionairxmlreadr - Reads Vision Air XML Data Files (XML).
xclgetdata - Extracts matrix from an Excel spreadsheet.
xclputdata - Write matrix to an Excel spreadsheet.
xclreadr - Reads an ASCII or .XLS file in as a DataSet Object.
xlsreadr - Reads .XLS files from MS Excel and other spreadsheets.
xyreadr - Reads one or more ASCII XY or XY... files into a DataSet object.

Other Reading and Writing Utilities

autoexport - Exports a DataSet object to a file of the specified format.
importtool - GUI for designating column/row data types in incoming data.
lddlgpls - Dialog to load variable from workspace or MAT file.
svdlgpls - Dialog to save variable to workspace or MAT file.
builddbstr - Builds a database connection string.
parsemixed - Parse numerical and text data into a DataSet Object.
table2dataset - Convert Matlab Table Array to DatasetObject.
writecsv - Export a DataSet object to a comma-separated values (CSV) file.
writespc - Export a DataSet object to a Galactic SPC file.
writeplt - Exports an EVRI model object to a Vision AIr .PLT model file.

(Sub topic of Import_View_Data)