Reference Manual Style Guide

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The following style rules should be followed for all new reference manual entries. See the Reference Manual Template page for starting a new reference entry and Example Markup for a quick reference example of each of the typically used markups.

Main Sections

Section titles are wrapped with three equal signs, for example:


and can include the following (note that this is also the order that these sections should appear in the body of the page:

Purpose (*) - short description of function purpose (from H1 line in m-file)
Synopsis (*) - I/O of use. Do NOT include calls to retrieve options, demo, or help
Description (*) - detailed description of use of function
Options - bulleted list of options
Algorithm - detailed description of algorithm used by function
Examples - brief code examples of how to use function (reserve long examples for demo)
See Also (*) - list of related functions

(*) = required segment


  • Include links to other functions or pages by providing the function name / page name in double square brackets:
  • In all narratives, separate paragraphs by including an additional blank line between them:
This is paragraph one.
        blank line
This is paragraph two.
        blank line

Description Sub-Topics

Some standard sub-topics can be used in the Description section. These sub-topic titles are wrapped with four equal signs, for example:


and include:

Optional Inputs


  • The contents of these sections should be given as bulleted lists (i.e. start each line with an asterisk * ) with each input/output as a separate item in the list.
  • Input/output name should be bolded (i.e. surround with triple single quotes '''data'''
  • Follow the name with an equal sign and the concise description of the input/output:
  • Lists of possible values for a given input/output should be given using indenting (i.e. start the line with a colon : ) or using sub-bulleted lists (i.e. start the line with double asterisks ** )
  • These sub-topics are always plural, even if there is only one item in the list (e.g. one output)


*'''data''' = data matrix to be analyzed

  • data = data matrix to be analyzed


Options are listed as bulleted lists (i.e. start each line with an asterisk * )


  • Name of option must be in bold (i.e. surround with triple single quotes '''display'''
  • Follow immediately by a colon : and then either the default value or the possible values (for fixed-option strings):
    • Double [ 3 ]
    • Empty [ ]
    • Fixed-option double [ 1 |{2}] (default shown with { } )
    • Fixed-option string [ 'off' |{'on'}] (default shown with { } )
  • Complete the option line with a concise description of the option
  • If necessary, lists of possible values for a given option should be given using indenting (i.e. start the line with a colon : ) or using sub-bulleted lists (i.e. start the line with double asterisks ** )


* '''plots''': ['none' | {'final'} ] Governs plotting.

  • plots: ['none' | {'final'} ] Governs plotting.

Matlab Code

Matlab code can be included in the body of the description using either:

1. Indenting (i.e. start line with a semicolon) - use for Synopsis section and for single lines of code in description

:model = pca(data,3)

2. Preformatted code using one of the methods below - use any time there are multiple lines of associated code shown together

2a. start line with one or more space characters
2b. wrap code in a <pre> </pre> tag.
2c. if you need mono spaced text within the body of normal text use the <tt> </tt> (teletype) tag.



opts = pca('options');

opts.plots = 'none';

model = pca(data,3,opts);


     opts = pca('options');
     opts.plots = 'none';
     model = pca(data,3,opts);

See Also

  • See Also section should list related and similar functions
  • List should be in alphabetical order
  • Each item is a link to the function (enclose function names in double square brackets)


[[analysis]], [[corrmap]], [[gcluster]], [[simca]]

analysis, corrmap, gcluster, simca