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Reads multi-layer TIFF files.


out = opotektiffrdr
out = opotektiffrdr(filenames)
out = opotektiffrdr('filename')
out = opotektiffrdr({'filename1' 'filename2'})


NOTE: In multi-layer TIFF format, the wavelength information (a 9-character string, e.g., '1450.00nm') is embedded in the "ImageDescription" tag (or tag 270) of each TIFF layer. See http://www.awaresystems.be/imaging/tiff/tifftags/imagedescription.html for more details.


  • filenames = a text string with the name of an TIFF file or a cell of strings of TIFF filenames. If (filenames) is omitted or an empty cell or array, the user will be prompted to select a folder and then one or more files in the identified folder. If (filenames) is a blank string , the user will be prompted to select a single file.


  • out = takes one of two forms:
  1. If input is a single file, the output is a dataset object.
  2. If the input consists of multiple files, the output is a cell array with a dataset object for each input file.

See Also

asfreadr, editds, jcampreadr, opotekenvirdr, spcreadr, xclreadr