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Stores and retrieves models in the model cache.
- modelcache(model)
- modelcache(model,data)
- modelcache(model,data,prediction)
- modelcache list %list all cached objects
- modelcache clear %manually purge cache
- modelcache settings %modify modelcache settings
- success = modelcache('setdescription','name','description')
- obj = modelcache('get',name) %retrieve object from cache by name
- objs = modelcache('getparents',obj) %retrieve object's parents from cache
- objs = modelcache('getchildren',obj) %retrieve object's children from cache
- list = modelcache('whos') %return whos-style structure of objects
- modelcache('deleteitem',{name1,name2,...}) %remove items from cache
- modelcache('deletedates',comp,'yyyy-mm-dd') %remove items before/after this date
- modelcache('deletedates',comp,'yyyy-mm-dd',comp,'yyyy-mm-dd')
Modelcache stores models and data upon calculation in the analysis interface. See this manual page for more information.
Commands for modelcache:
Retreiving Cache Items and Information
- list - Display hyperlinked list of model cache.
- get - Retrieve one object from the cache by its uniquename.
- getparents - Retrieves all objects linked as "used by" a given object.
- getchildren - Retrieves all objects linked as "using" a given object.
- getinfo - Returns cache item informaiton if object is in cache.
Editing Cache
- settings - Display optionsgui to adjust settings.
- setdescription - Change description for an existing entry.
- deleteitem - Remove item(s) specified by name from the cache.
- deletedates - Remove item(s) > or < a given date (input dir is a string comparison operator ['>','>=','<' or '<='] indicating how to compare to the given date(s). Up to two comparison/date pairs can be given. E.g:
- ('deletedates','>,'2012-10-08')
- ('deletedates','>,'2012-10-08','<','2012-10-12')
- purgecache - Remove old items from cache.
- clear - Clear entire cache.
- whos - Returns a "whos"-style structure of all the objects in the cache.
- reset - Reset the database and all internally stored information.
>> mycache = modelcache('whos') mycache = 139x1 struct array with fields: name size bytes class global sparse complex nesting persistent location >> info = modelcache('getinfo',mycache(1).name) info = name: 'archarcheologist20090311T144155070_20090311T14415570' description: 'arch [75,10]' source: [] type: 'data' links: [0x0 struct] cachedate: 7.3515e+05 filename: 'archarcheologist20090311T144155070_20090311T14415570.mat'
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- cache: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Turns caching ability on or off.
- cachefolder: [ ' ' ] Default is Eigenvector home directory.
- project: ['general'] Current project folder for cache.
- maxindexlength: Maximum number of items in an index file.
- maxdatasize: [6000^2] Maximum size of data (number or elements) that can be saved.
- maxage: [90] Maximum number of days to keep items in cache.
- alertpurgedays: [30] Alert user when oldest purged item is older than this many days.
- alertpurgeitems: [30] Alert user when this many ITEMS will be purged at once.
- lineage_date_sort: ['ascend' {'descend'}]How to sort children of lineage leafs.