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Create main effect or interaction plot, incl LSD bars.


doeeffectsplot(doe, y, icol, alpha)
doeeffectsplot(doe, y, icol, alpha, options)


Main & Interaction Effects plots which contain Fisher's Least Significant Difference bars around the mean effect values.


  • doe = DOE dataset object.
  • icol = user selected doe column index. DOE columns are arranged as factors first, then interactions.
    For example: F1, F2, F3, F1xF2, F1xF3, F2xF3
  • alpha = 0.05 for two-sided critical region.
  • y = experimentally measured response values

Optional Inputs

  • options = structure array with the following fields:
    • display: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] governs level of display to command window.


Use doegui or doegen to create a doe object, for example with 3 factors (with 2 or more levels) and including 2 term interactions. Then run the following to set up:

alpha = 0.05;
y = rand(size(doe,1),1);           % create y, some expt result values 
[,icol) y]               % view Factor 1 and y values
%Add the following to make significant difference between F1 groups
y  = y +,icol);
doeeffectsplot(doe, y, icol, alpha)

See Also

doegen, doegui