Blackbody r

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Computes black body radiance and brightness temperature.


v = blackbody_r(wv,temp,flag,wave)
temp = blackbody_r(wv,v,flag,wave)


BLACBODY_R is used to calculate randiance from the Planck function in units of W/(m^2 sr cm^-1) or uW/(m^2 sr um^-1). BLACBODY_R can be also be used to calculate brightness temperature from the inverse Planck function for inputs in units of W/(m^2 sr cm^-1) or uW/(m^2 sr um^-1). Calculations can be performed for axis units in wavenumbers (1/cm) or in microns (um). See I/O specific inputs/outputs below.


  • v = blackbody_r(wv,temp);
wv = 1xN row vector of wavelengths (um).
temp = Kx1 vector of temperatures (K).
v = KxN row vector of BB radiance uW/(m^2 sr um^-1) = uflicks
  • temp = blackbody_r(wv,v,2);
wv = 1xN row vector of wavelengths (um).
v = KxN matrix of BB radiance uW/(m^2 sr um^-1) = uflicks
temp = KxN matrix of temperatures (K).
  • v = blackbody_r(nu,temp,1,2);
nu = 1xN row vector of wavenumbers (1/cm).
temp = Kx1 vector of temperatures (K).
v = KxN row vector of BB radiance W/(m^2 sr cm^-1)
  • temp = blackbody_r(nu,v,2,2);
nu = 1xN row vector of wavenumbers (1/cm).
v = KxN row vector of BB radiance W/(m^2 sr cm^-1)
temp = KxN vector of temperatures (K).

See Also
