AIT Interfaces
For users of Solo+SpectraQuant and PLS_Toolbox with SpectraQuant_Toolbox, an additional model export option is available from the File > Export Model menu: "Hamilton Sundstrand Model (*.tbl)"
The .tbl file type allows saving of PLS and PCR models (using the SpectraQuant filtering or not) in a format that can be used by the AIT software PC80 and CPSA32.
To be able to save to this model format, you must use only compatible preprocessing methods (see the Force PC80 Compatible Preprocessing option). If your model uses analysis or preprocessing methods that are not compatible with saving to a .tbl file format, the models can be saved to a standard .MAT file and used with Solo_Predictor with the AIT software SpectraRTS. For more information on this, contact our [[1]].