Exploratory Analysis
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Top-Level Exploratory Analysis Functions
- analysis - Graphical user interface for data analysis.
- pca - Principal components analysis.
- mcr - Multivariate curve resolution with constraints.
- purity - Self-modeling mixture analysis method based on purity of variables or spectra.
- corrspec - Resolves correlation spectroscopy maps.
- crossval - Cross-validation for decomposition and linear regression.
- evolvfa - Evolving factor analysis (forward and reverse).
- ewfa - Evolving window factor analysis.
- estimatefactors - Estimate number of significant factors in multivariate data.
- wtfa - Window target factor analysis.
- mlpca - Maximum likelihood principal components analysis.
- coda_dw - Calculates values for the Durbin_Watson criterion of columns of data set.
- coda_dw_interactive - Interactive version of CODA_DW.
- comparelcms_sim_interactive - Interactive interface for COMPARELCMS.
- trendtool - Univariate trend analysis tool.
- cluster - KNN and K-means cluster analysis with dendrograms.
Multiway Analysis
- analysis - Graphical user interface for data analysis.
- mpca - Multi-way (unfold) principal components analysis.
- gram - Generalized rank annihilation method.
- parafac - Parallel factor analysis for n-way arrays.
- parafac2 - Parallel factor analysis for unevenly sized n-way arrays.
- tld - Trilinear decomposition.
- tucker - Analysis for n-way arrays.
Multiway Utilities
- outerm - Computes outer product of any number of vectors.
- corcondia - Evaluates consistency of PARAFAC model.
- coreanal - Analysis of the core array of a Tucker model.
- corecalc - Calculate the Tucker3 core given the data array and loadings.
- nassign - Generic subscript assignment indexing for n-way arrays.
- nindex - Generic subscript indexing for n-way arrays.
- unfoldm - Rearranges (unfolds) an augmented matrix to row vectors.
- unfoldmw - Unfolds multiway arrays along specified order.
- modelviewer - Visualization tool for multi-way models.
Application of Models to New Data
In most cases, the function used to create a model (e.g. PCA, PLS, etc) is also used to make a prediction with the created model. See the function used for more information on this. In addition, these utilities may be of use for certain applications.
- modelselector - Create or apply a model selector model.
- compressmodel - Remove references to unused variables from a model.
- matchvars - Align variables of a dataset to allow prediction with a model.
- pcapro - Projects new data on old principal components model.
Model Analysis and Calculation Utilities
- manrotate - Graphical interface to manually rotate model loadings.
- qconcalc - Calculate Q residuals contributions for predictions on a model.
- residuallimit - Estimates confidence limits for sum squared residuals.
- reviewmodel - Examines a standard model structure for typical problems.
- tconcalc - Calculate Hotellings T2 contributions for predictions on a model.
- tsqlim - Confidence limits for Hotelling's T^2.
- varcap - Variance captured for each variable in PCA model.
- varimax - Orthogonal rotation of loadings.
- als - Alternating Least Squares computational engine.
- datahat - Calculates the model estimate and residuals of the data.
- dispmat - Calculates the dispersion matrix of two spectral data sets.
- pcaengine - Principal Components Analysis computational engine.
- tsqmtx - Calculates matrix for T^2 contributions for PCA.
- comparelcms_simengine - Calculational Engine for comparelcms.
Plotting Utilities
- modlrder - Displays model info for standard model structures.
- plotloads - Extract and display loadings information from a model structure.
- plotscores - Extract and display score information from a model.
- ploteigen - Builds dataset object of eigenvalues/RMSECV information.
- ssqtable - Displays variance captured table for model.
(Sub topic of Qualitative_Exploratory_Analysis_and_Classification)