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*[[Image_File_Readers|File Readers and Import Tools]]
*[[Image_File_Readers|File Readers and Import Tools]]
*[[Post_Import_Image_Tools | Post Import Tools]]
*[[Post_Import_Image_Tools | Post Import Tools]]
*[[buildimage]] - Unfolds image data into a DataSet Object.
*[[camecaeval]] - Assess information in each mass in a Cameca Ion-Tof file.
*[[camecard]] - Read Cameca Ion-Tof file into MATLAB.
*[[clipboard_image]] - Copy and paste images to/from the system clipboard.
*[[createhvimages]] - Creates horizontally and vertically striped images.
*[[cropgroup]] - Crop a group of images.
*[[cropimage]] - Crop an image DataSet based on PlotGUI selection.
*[[image_folder_load]] - Load all image files in a selected directory as cell array of image DSOs.
*[[imageconcat]] - Concatenate images in specific direction.
*[[imagegui]] - Interface for Exploring Image PCA Scores.
*[[imageload]] - GUI to select, build, then load a image DSO into the DataSet Editor.
*[[inheritimage]] - Converts data DSO to image DSO if source contains image data.

==Image Analysis Methods==
==Image Analysis Methods==

Revision as of 14:22, 30 September 2009

We are in the process of transitioning our help documentation into this Wiki. Below are the current available links.

Getting Started, Documentation, and Help

Importing and Preparing Data

Image Analysis Methods

Texture Transform Functions

Filters and Transformation

box_filter - Image filtering.
spatial_filter - Image filtering.
transform_img - Flips or rotates a DataSet image.

Utilities and Demos

aspirin.mat Aspirin and Polyethylene.
aspirinspec.mat Aspirin spectra.
avicel.mat Avicel drug bead.
braint2.mat MRI image.
createhvimages.m Creates horizontally and vertically striped images.
createsphereimages.m Make images of mono-sized spheres.
demo_image_pure_pixel_reduced.mat Demo data.
demo_image_pure_pixel.mat Demo data.
EchoRidgeClouds.jpeg Demo image taken from Echo Ridge outside of Chelan Washington.
rice_bw.mat Image of a mixture of rice grains.
smbread.mat Image of Swedish knackerbrod at 4 wavelengths plus polarized image.
textures.mat 27 texture images.
