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Reads a Princeton Instruments SPE file and saves it into the workspace as a Dataset Object (DSO).


x = spereadr(filename,options)
x = spereadr()


Reads a Princeton Instruments SPE file. The reader will pre-allocate the data dimensions for the DSO using the Frame dimensions as well as the number of Frames, as specified size found in the file header and/or footer. The importer will then populate the DSO with the data recorded for every Region of Interest (ROI) found in each Frame.

Note: Currently only SPE format version 3.0 is supported.


  • filename = a text string with the name of a SPE file or a cell containing a string of an SPE filename.
If (filename) is omitted or an empty cell {}, the user will be prompted to select a folder and then a SPE file in the identified folder.
If filename is a blank string, the user will be prompted to select a file.

Optional Inputs

  • options = a structure array containing settings variables (see Options section below).


  • x = a dataset object containing the data/spectrum.


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • waitbar: [ 'off' | {'on'}] governs the display of a waitbar when loading multiple files.
  • dsomode: ['std' | {'img'} ], governs the DSO type that gets outputted by the importer. The options are:
    • 'std' spereadr will return a standard DSO.
    • 'img' spereadr will return an image type DSO. Note: if MIA_Toolbox is not installed spereadr will default to returning a standard DSO.

See Also

asfreadr, editds, jcampreadr, spareadr, spcreadr, textreadr, Data Importing Formats, MIA_Toolbox_User_Guide