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Scale rows or columns of a matrix to range from 0 to 1.


[xcorr,mins,maxs] = minmax(x,options);


Scales rows (or columns) of a matrix (x) so each row (or column) has a minimum of 0 and a maximum of 1. The option "mode" specifies whether rows or columns are scaled to have unity range. Optional input (options) is described below.


  • x = M by N matrix of data to be scaled (class "double" or "dataset").


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • mode: [ 1 ] dimension of data on which to calculate the minima and maxima for scaling. 1 = over rows (each row will have range [0,1]); 2 = over columns (each column will have range [0,1]). Default is 1.


  • xcorr = the scaled data (xcorr will be the same class as x)
  • mins = vector of minima for each row (or column)
  • maxs = vector of maxima for each row (or column)

See Also

normaliz, preprocess, snv