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Bin higher frequency data set to a lower frequency data set.
- [binHFData,LFData] = bin2scale(data_hf,data_lf);
- [binHFData,LFData] = bin2scale(data_hf,data_lf,options);%Use options.
Bin higher frequency data set to a lower frequency data set. Deresolve incoming high frequency data to a lower frequency scale based on axis scale timestamps. Binning is done using coadd function.
- data_hf = Higher frequency (HF) data.
- ata_lf= Lower frequency data or time scale (dataset, vector, or scalar). If scalar then value is used as interval (in seconds).
- binHFData = Binned high frequency data.
- LFData = Truncated low frequency (LF) data. Data will be truncated at either end if it extends farther than limits of HF data.
options = a structure array with the following fields:
- axisscaleset: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Set to use for axisscale time. Default = empty indicates automatic detection. Value can be 2 element vector, first element will be data axisscale set and second element is scale_new axisscale set.
- windowoffset: [ 'none' | {'final'} ] (double) Adjust window position with date vector size (1=one day): three_secons = datenum(0,0,0,0,0,3)
- windowsize: [ 'off' | {'on'} ] Size of window in serial date time (1 = 1 day, .5 = 12 hrs). Empty (default) uses largest window for a given step.
- windowsizeunits: [ 'none' | {'final'} ] If window size is used interpret size in these units. The 'percent' setting is relative to each window size while 'seconds' and 'days' are not relative.