DataSet Editor
The DataSet Editor (DSE) is an interface for editing the contents of a DataSet Object. Using the Editor can be easier and quicker than manipulating a DataSet Object from the command line. The demonstration below will run through some of the common functions of the DSE.
Start an empty DataSet Editor by using the MATLAB command below or by clicking the DataSet Editor icon in the Browser:
>> editds
As with the Analysis GUI, menu items are available both in the main window menubar and as context menus (right-click menus). Displayed below is an example of the context menu available for columns in the data tab, similar menus appear for headers located in label tabs:
For the row and column labels tabs, note that in many cases you can copy and paste information to and from the labels, class, axisscale, and include fields. You can also load these fields from variables in the base workspace. First click on one of the field headers (Labels, Axisscale, Class, Incl.) then choose the appropriate option from the Edit menu or the context (right-click) menu.