Faq how to uninstall EVRI products

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How do I uninstall Eigenvector software?

Possible Solutions:

Uninstalling depends on the operating system and how the software was installed.


On Windows:

If you installed using the .exe file then you can search in the Windows “Apps & features” window for PLS_Toolbox and select uninstall.

If the .zip file was used to install, then at the MATLAB command line run the command:


This will remove the PLS_Toolbox files and folders from the MATLAB path. Then manually delete the PLS_Toolbox folder.

On macOS:

At the MATLAB command line run the command:


This will remove the PLS_Toolbox files and folders from the MATLAB path then move the PLS_Toolbox parent folder to the trash.

Standalone products (Solo, Solo+MIA, etc.):

On Windows:

Search for Solo in the Windows “Apps & features” window and then select uninstall.

On macOS:

Find where Solo was installed and move the parent folder to the trash.

Still having problems? Please contact our helpdesk at helpdesk@eigenvector.com