Diviner preprocess

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Diviner Preprocessing Settings Window

The Diviner preprocessing settings window allows choosing or creating the preprocessing library to be used by Diviner. A preprocessing library consists of one or more preprocessing recipes. A preprocessing recipes contains one or more preprocessing methods. See this wiki page for more on preprocessing methods: preprocessing methods

Preprocessing Window 1.png

Pre-set Libraries

The Diviner Preprocessing window has five pre-set libraries to choose from based on the type of data. The NIR/MID-IR and Raman libraries both have a Basic library and an Advanced library.

Preprocessing Window Basic and Advanced.png

Choosing a library will show a table of the recipes in the Recipes section. The Recipes section has two tabs: one for the X-block preprocessing recipes and one for the Y-block preprocessing recipes.

X-block Recipes Table

The X-block recipes table has three columns. The first column shows the preprocessing recipes to be used. The second column has a check box indicating if the recipe should be included in the Diviner run. The third column has a check box indicating if the recipe should be used for outlier detection. The outlier detection recipes will be used if the Outlier Detection setting is set to On. See this wiki page for more information on outlier detection: Diviner outlier detection

Y-block Recipes Table

The Y-block recipe table only has the first column, showing the preprocessing recipes to be used for the Y-block data and the second column, indicating if the recipe should be included.

Creating a Custom Library

There are two ways to create a custom preprocessing library:

From a Pre-set Library

  1. Choose a pre-set library
  2. In the Recipes section click on the Add recipe button, or
  3. Select a recipe in the recipe table to remove and click on the Remove selected recipe button
  4. If adding a recipe, in the Preprocessing window create the recipe to add and select OK

From an Empty Library

  1. Select the Pre-set Library item or the Custom Library item
  2. In the Recipes section click on the Add recipe button
  3. In the Preprocessing window create the recipe to add and select OK

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