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Reads Shimadzu EEM files with Rayleigh removal.
:out = shimadzueemreadr(filenames, options);
Reads SHIMADZU EEM text files and imports the data into the workspace as a DataSet object.
* '''file''' = One of the following identifications of files to read:
:* A single string identifying the file to read
:: ('example')
:* A cell array of strings giving multiple files to read
:: ({'example_a' 'example_b' 'example_c'})
:* An empty array indicating that the user should be prompted to locate the file(s) to read
:: ([])
* '''out''' = A DataSet object with date, time, info (data from cell (1,1)), variable names (vars), sample names (samps), and data matrix (data).
:* Note: When multiple files are loaded (multiple samples), if the samples do not match with respect to dimensions or axisscales, the samples will be stored in '''out''' as a cell array of DataSet objects.
options =  a structure array with the following fields:
* '''waitbar''' : [ 'off' |{'on'}] Governs use of waitbars to show progress.
* '''scattercorrection''' : [ {'off'} | 'on'] calls [[flucut]] for Rayleigh correction.
* '''flucut''' : [[flucut|FLUCUT]] options field for governing calls to [[flucut|FLUCUT]].
** '''LowZero''' : Option (LowZero) for [[flucut|FLUCUT]].
** '''TopZero''' : Option (TopZero) for [[flucut|FLUCUT]].
* '''LowMiss''' : Input (LowMiss) to [[flucut|FLUCUT]].
* '''TopMiss''' : Input (FopMiss) to [[flucut|FLUCUT]].
* '''textreadr''' : TEXTREADR options field for governing calls to [[textreadr|TEXTREADR]].
* '''nonmatching''' : [{'error'}| 'cell' ] Governs handling non-matching data from multiple files.
===See Also===
[[Data Importing Formats]], [[aqualogreadr]], [[hjyreadr]], [[jascoeemreadr]], [[jcampreadr]],
[[spcreadr]], [[writespc]], [[xclreadr]]

Latest revision as of 14:55, 27 July 2017