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Any window in Solo can float or be docked. Specify window docking settings through Edit > Options in the Workspace Browser or in an Analysis window. See [[WorkspaceBrowser_Preferences|Workspace Browser Preferences]] or [[AnalysisWindow_MainMenu|Analysis window main menu]].

Latest revision as of 07:18, 2 May 2017

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Solo has four main windows: Workspace Browser, DataSet Editor, Analysis and Plot Controls. Each window is dedicated to a specific step in data analysis.

Solo windows
Solo Environment.png
  • The Workspace Browser window is where you start. It includes the list of data analysis tools. It also serves as your "scratch pad". For example, you can pre-process data here.
  • The Analysis window is for data modeling and analysis. You create, analyze, explore and apply your models here.
  • The Plot Controls window is for data visualization. You customize and publish your data plots here.