EVRIModel Objects

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EVRIModel Objects provide access to the Standard Model Structure content of all models as well as some easy-to-use methods and properties for building, manipulating, and reviewing models from Matlab's command-line, scripts, and functions. This page describes the various modes, methods, and properties of EVRIModel objects.

Working With Calibrated Models



Start up the Solo application. This method should be called after setting any of the desired startup properties listed below and before issuing any sendCommand() calls. Once started, none of the startup properties can be changed.

RETURNS: 0 if start was successful or -1 if the start failed. Error messages from a failed start can be retrieved from the read-only property lastResponse.


Stop the Solo application. Note that once stopApp has been called, it cannot be restarted without unloading EigenvectorTools. In general it is recommended that this method be called only when the client application is performing final cleanup before exiting. Note that this method is also automatically called when the application object is destroyed, thus, directly calling this method is usually not needed.


Send a string command "cmd" to the Solo application. This is the standard way of communicating with the application. The command may be any of the simple object-creation commands described in the Solo_Predictor_User_Guide documentation or a command making use of EVRIGUI_Objects. Any textural response from the application is stored in the read-only property lastResponse.

RETURNS: 0 if command was successful, -1 if the command failed due to low-level application error, or -2 if the command was invalid, there was a license error, or other high-level error. In either case, the textural response including any error can be found using the lastResponse property.


General Properties


READ ONLY: Returns the string response returned by the server after the last startApp() or sendCommand() call.


Maximum string length allowed to be returned in lastResponse. In ET.NET: allowedLength property is a Long integer type and allowedLengthLong is not available. In ETV6, allowedLength and allowedLengthLong are synonymous except for the variable type. Both set the maximum length of string returned, but allowedLength property is typed as a Short Integer while the allowedLengthLong property is typed a Long Integer. In general, allowedLenghtLong should be used in ETV6 but allowedLength is supported to allow backwards compatibility. Maximum length of string when setting using the Short Integer version of this property is 65535 characters.

Start-up Properties - All Products


Boolean flag indicating if additional startup output should be given. Usually, this output will be written to a file named solo_debug.log in the user's temp directory.

Note: In EigenvectorToolsV6, this property is named debugMode to avoid namespace conflicts.


String indicating the activation / license code to use with the application. Any previous code will be erased before using this code. If this code is not valid for the given version and product, the application will fail to start.


String indicating an alternative settingsFile to load (instead of the default: default.xml). Also allows specifying location of default.xml when it can't be found automatically by the application. Note: In Solo and Solo+MIA, the contents of specified file will only be used when an existing setting is not currently specified. Thus, this setting should be used in conjunction with clearSettings property to assure these settings are used.


String specifying any additional command-line options to pass into the application.