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Run texture analysis on an image or group of images.
==Importing / Exporting==

[[faq_concatenate_multiple_files|How do I concatenate multiple files into a single DataSet?]]

:[y,varargout]= texture(img, method, options, varargin)
[[faq_create_multivariate_image_from_separate_images|How do I create a multivariate image from separate images?]]

[[faq_export_PCA_scores_and_loadings_to_text_file|How do I export PCA scores and loadings to a text file (to read into MS Excel, for example)?]]
TEXTURE will perform an analysis on any 2 dimensional (m x n pixels) layer of an image or group of images. It loops through input 'img' where mode 3 is considered the variables (slabs of an image) mode and mode 4 is considered the images mode. Any additional inputs to the chosen 'method' must be added after the options input.

Outputs are 'y' a dataset with each row corresponding to an image and varargout containing any secondary output from the selected method. Outputs for a 'method' must be designated by the user with options.numout. Outputs will be appended together forming one row vector per image. E.G. for 'anglemt' if options.numout = [2 1] then the y{2} and y{1} outputs of 'anglemt' will be concatenated to form the row. Only the first output of a function is used. If there is a second output of a function it is assigned to varargout.
[[faq_import_three-way_data|How do I import three-way data into Solo or PLS_Toolbox?]]

Aggregation can be performed across variables (slabs/layers) and or across images. For example, setting options.varmode = 'sum' will sum the layer of an image into one layer.
[[faq_import_horiba_NGC_64bit |Why can't I import a Horiba NGC file on my 64-bit computer?]]

[[faq_SPCREADR_cant_read_multiple_files |Why can't SPCREADR read multiple files I've selected?]]
* '''img''' = image data (matrix or DataSet). The first two modes must be pixels, the third mode must be variables, and the fourth mode must be images.
* '''method''' = texture method ('anglemt' 'autocor_img' 'svd_texture' 'fft_texture' 'semivar').

====Optional Inputs====
[[faq_some_EXCEL_files_fail_to_import |Why do some Excel files fail to import?]]
* '''varargin''' = additional input needed for selected 'method'.

* '''firstout''' = first output is this.
* '''y''' = dataset where each row (spectra) corresponds to an image.
* '''varargout''' = second ouput of a function (e.g. for anglemt this would be 's', the distance scales). Will transform into row vector of cells.

[[faq_PARALIND_in_PLS_Toolbox |Can I do PARALIND in PLS_Toolbox?]]

options =  a structure array with the following fields:
[[faq_install_on_more_than_one_PC | Can I install PLS_Toolbox (or Solo) on more than one PC, such as on my desktop and laptop computer?]]

* '''numout''': [{1}] 1xK vector. Number and order of outputs from selected 'method' to use.
[[faq_multiple_class_sets_together_in_SIMCA_PLSDA_LDA | Can I use multiple class sets (categorical variables) together in a SIMCA, PLSDA, or LDA model?]]
* '''imgmode''': [ {'none'} | 'sum' | 'mean' ] aggregation across images.
* '''varmode''': [ {'none'} | 'sum' | 'mean' ] aggregation across variables.

[[faq_more_info_on_R_Squared_statistic | Can you give me more information on the R-Squared statistic?]]
These options can be assigned in their nested form. See the particular function for a full description of available options. For example:
: <tt>options.anglemt.xscale = [1:100];</tt>

===See Also===
[[faq_how_RMSEC_and_RMSECV_related to R2Y_and_Q2Y_seen_other_software | How are RMSEC and RMSECV related to R2Y and Q2Y I see in other software?]]

[[anglemt]], [[autocor_img]], [[detrend_img]], [[fft_texture]], [[semivar]], [[svd_texture]]
[[faq_convergence_of_PARAFAC| Convergence of PARAFAC. How much variation between models is expected a particular PARAFAC is fit multiple times with the same settings?]]
[[faq_does_software_stop_working_if_maintenance_expires | Does the software stop working if my maintenance expires?]]
[[faq_report_a_problem_with_PLS_Toolbox | How and where do I report a problem with PLS_Toolbox?]]
[[faq_how_are_T_contributions_calculated | How are T-contributions calculated?]]
[[faq_how_are_ROC_curves_calculated_for_PLSDA | How are the ROC curves calculated for PLSDA?]]
[[faq_how_are_error_bars_calculated_regression_model | How are the error bars calculated for a regression model and can they be related to a confidence limit (confidence in the prediction)?]]
[[faq_improve_performance_with_PLS_Toolbx_and_Matlab_on_Mac | How can I improve performance with PLS_Toolbox and Matlab on the Mac platform?]]
[[faq_assign_classes_for_samples_in_a_DataSet | How do I assign classes for samples in a DataSet?]]
[[faq_build_a_classification_model_from_class_set_other_than_the_first | How do I build a classification model from a class set other than the first?]]
[[faq_choose_between_different_cross_validation_leave_out_options | How do I choose between the different cross-validation leave-out options?]]
[[faq_reference_Eigenvector| How do I cite/reference Eigenvector?]]
[[faq_interpret_ROC_curves_and_Sensitivity_Specificity_plots_from_PLSDA | How do I interpret the ROC curves and Sensitivity / Specificity plots from PLSDA?]]
[[faq_make_DataSet_backwards_compatible | How do I make a DataSet backwards compatible?]]
[[faq_obtain_or_use_recompilation_license_for_PLS_Toolbox | How do I obtain or use a recompilation license for PLS_Toolbox?]]
[[faq_use_custon_cross_validation_option | How do I use the "custom" cross-validation option?]]
[[faq_out_of_memory_error_when_analyzing_data | I keep getting "out of memory" errors when analyzing my data. What can I do?]]
[[faq_java_lang_OutOfMemoryError| What can I do if I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error?]]
[[faq_why_get_negative_scores_when_all_modes_are_set_to_nonnegativity | Nonnegativity (PARAFAC, PARAFAC2, Tucker): Why do I get negative scores when all modes are set to nonnegativity?]]
[[faq_what_are_relative_contributions | What are "Relative Contributions"?]]
[[faq_what_are_reduced_T^2_and_Q_Statistics | What are the "Reduced" T^2 and Q Statistics?]]
==Command Line==

Revision as of 14:25, 29 November 2018


Importing / Exporting

How do I concatenate multiple files into a single DataSet?

How do I create a multivariate image from separate images?

How do I export PCA scores and loadings to a text file (to read into MS Excel, for example)?

How do I import three-way data into Solo or PLS_Toolbox?

Why can't I import a Horiba NGC file on my 64-bit computer?

Why can't SPCREADR read multiple files I've selected?

Why do some Excel files fail to import?


Can I do PARALIND in PLS_Toolbox?

Can I install PLS_Toolbox (or Solo) on more than one PC, such as on my desktop and laptop computer?

Can I use multiple class sets (categorical variables) together in a SIMCA, PLSDA, or LDA model?

Can you give me more information on the R-Squared statistic?

How are RMSEC and RMSECV related to R2Y and Q2Y I see in other software?

Convergence of PARAFAC. How much variation between models is expected a particular PARAFAC is fit multiple times with the same settings?

Does the software stop working if my maintenance expires?

How and where do I report a problem with PLS_Toolbox?

How are T-contributions calculated?

How are the ROC curves calculated for PLSDA?

How are the error bars calculated for a regression model and can they be related to a confidence limit (confidence in the prediction)?

How can I improve performance with PLS_Toolbox and Matlab on the Mac platform?

How do I assign classes for samples in a DataSet?

How do I build a classification model from a class set other than the first?

How do I choose between the different cross-validation leave-out options?

How do I cite/reference Eigenvector?

How do I interpret the ROC curves and Sensitivity / Specificity plots from PLSDA?

How do I make a DataSet backwards compatible?

How do I obtain or use a recompilation license for PLS_Toolbox?

How do I use the "custom" cross-validation option?

I keep getting "out of memory" errors when analyzing my data. What can I do?

What can I do if I get a java.lang.OutOfMemoryError error?

Nonnegativity (PARAFAC, PARAFAC2, Tucker): Why do I get negative scores when all modes are set to nonnegativity?

What are "Relative Contributions"?

What are the "Reduced" T^2 and Q Statistics?

Command Line


