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Reads in netCDF files and outputs a DataSet and or structure.


x = netcdfreadr(filenames, options);


If no file is given (filenames) then prompts user for filename/s. Default option settings are set to handle Mass Spectroscopy (MS) data.

NOTE: This function uses netCDF Library Functions available in Matlab 2009a and newer.


  • filename = a text string with the name of a spectral file or a cell of strings of filenames.
    • If filename is omitted or blank, the user will be prompted to select a file graphically.
    • If filename is an empty cell {}, the user will be prompted to select a folder and then one or more AIT files in the identified folder.


  • x = takes one of 3 forms:
  1. rawdata : Genereic structure of all data.
    .varname = variable name.
    .xtype = variable datatype.
    .varDimsIDs = dimensions IDs.
    .varAtts = number of attributes.
    .varID = variable ID.
    .data = variable data.
    .attributes(j).attname = attribute name.
    .attributes(j).attval = attribute value.
  2. datastruct : Structure of data with variable names as field names.
  3. dso : Dataset Object (only when .getms = yes).


options = a structure array with the following fields:

  • output : [ { 'dso' } | 'rawdata' | 'datastruct' | 'all'] What output to pass.
  • getms : [ { 'yes' } | 'no' ] Get Mass Spec dataset from file.
  • massoffset : [ 0 ] Shift point for round-off (when using .getms).
  • chunksize : [ 1.5 ] Divide data into chunks of chunksize*1,000,000 elements when contructing a MS dataset. Value of 1.5 million is good default for 32bit systems.
  • massres : [1.0] desired output resolution in m/z units (when using .getms)

See Also

Data Importing Formats, asdreadr, asfreadr, fluoromaxreadr, gwscanreadr, hjyreadr, jcampreadr, opusreadr, pdfreadr, pereadr, spareadr, spcreadr, writeasf, xclreadr