DataSet Object Methods

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In addition to the specific methods listed below, a number of standard MATLAB functions are overloaded for DataSet objects but otherwise work as documented for standard data types. The following methods operate on the underlying data field of a DataSet object only and have no effect on any other fields:

minus (-)
plus (+)
times (.*)
rdivide (./)
ldivide (.\)

To get help on any DataSet object method, use the command: help dataset/method where method is the name of the method for which you want help.

Methods Defined or Overloaded for DataSet Objects

augment - Concatenation of DataSet objects and add class.
anyexcluded - Reports if any element is excluded in a DSO.
cat - Generic concatenation of DataSet objects.
delsamps - Deletes or excludes the specified samples, rows, or other dimension from a DataSet object.
disp - Display summary of DataSet object contents.
explode - Extract all variables from a DataSet object.
findset - Locate a set within a label field (axisscale,label,class) in a DataSet.
get - Get field/property values from a DataSet object.
horzcat - Horizontal concatenation of DataSet objects.
isempty - Returns Boolean true if the DataSet object data field is empty.
length - Returns the length of the data field in a DataSet object.
listsets - For a given field and mode list the sets available.
ndims - Returns the number of dimensions of the data field in a DataSet object.
numel - Returns a value of 1 for any dataset object.
permute - Permute array dimensions of a DataSet object.
repmat - Replicate and tile a DataSet object.
reshape - Change size of a DataSet object.
rmset - Removes a specific set from a DSO field.
search - Search for given term in a dso field, mode, and set.
set - Set field/property values for a DataSet object.
size - Returns the size of the data field in a DataSet object.
sortby - Sort a DataSet by given field, dim, and set.
sortcols - Sort columns of a DataSet.
sortrows - Sort rows of a DataSet.
squeeze - Removes singleton dimensions of a DataSet object.
subsasgn - Assign for DataSet objects using Structure and index notation.
subsref - Subindex for DataSet objects using Structure and index notation.
transpose - Performs a transpose (rows become columns and columns become rows) on a two-way DataSet object.
unique - Returns a DataSet object containing all the unique values from the input.
updateset - Add/update a label field (axisscale,label,class) in a DataSet.
vertcat - Returns a DataSet object containing all the unique values from the input